首页> 中文期刊>隧道建设 >矿山法隧道与车站小角度斜接施工研究




In this paper,the feasibility and safety of construction scheme for intersection between mined tunnel on Line No. 8 of East Bid Section of Red Line light rail in Israel and Em Hamshavot Station with an sharp angle of 12° are studied;and then the stability of the connection section,diaphragm wall,irregular C-shaped cross-section and retaining wall of adjacent Road No.4 is studied and analyzed by 3D finite element software and stiffness equivalent theory. The analytical results show that: 1)The displacement calculated by finite element method is smaller than the monitoring date;and the monitoring date is smaller than the allowable values of structure. 2)The pile foundation of the retaining wall is greatly affected by tunnel excavation;but the maximum tensile stress of the pile foundation is still in the range of concrete tensile strength. 3)For the intersection between soil and wall beam,the maximum compressive strength caused by the soil is 0.84 MPa;and the maximum shear stress is 0.29 MPa,which exceeds the cohesion stress(40 kPa); it shows that the interaction should be balanced by cross-brace. 4)The increased compressive stress of diaphragm wall at tunnel portal caused by tunnel excavation is large and still within the range of the concrete compressive strength. 5)The tensile stress of the wall beam exceeds the tensile strength of concrete,but the reinforcement required to provide tensile stress is much less than the actual reinforcement of the wall beam.%为验证以色列红线轻轨东标段8号线矿山法隧道与Em Hamshavot车站12°斜接施工方案的可行性和安全性,利用三维有限元软件和刚度等效理论对车站接口、地下连续墙、不规则C型断面以及邻近4号路挡土墙的稳定性进行研究和分析,同时辅以监测数据进行校核.研究结果表明:有限元位移计算值小于实际监测值,实际监测值小于结构允许值;隧道开挖对挡土墙前排桩基影响较大,但其最大拉应力值仍小于其自身混凝土的抗拉强度;土体对墙梁的最大压应力为0.84MPa,土体与墙梁间的剪应力最大值为0.29MPa,超出二者粘结参数40kPa,其相互作用不能简单的由墙体或者土体自身来平衡,而是需要横支撑对其进行平衡;隧道开挖过程中,洞口处地下连续墙的压应力增值较大,但仍在混凝土自身抗压强度范围之内.墙梁的拉应力超出混凝土自身抗拉强度,但提供拉应力所需的钢筋量远小于墙梁实际配筋量.



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