首页> 中文期刊>隧道建设 >某新建地铁车站与既有站换乘模式及换乘设施研究




为实现合理换乘的目标,以既有2层单柱车站与新建3层双柱车站换乘为研究对象,采用理论分析和仿真模拟相结合的方法对换乘模式进行分析.然后,基于预测客流对换乘方案进行仿真模拟分析,得出结论:1)不同的客流量应选择不同的换乘方式,客流量较大时,应采用单循环的换乘方式,新建车站站台纵向可均匀布置4组宽1.2m的上下行扶梯和宽1.4m的备用楼梯,并在既有站底板沿中柱对称破除2m宽的孔洞,设置台台换乘通道,可满足远期客流换乘和疏散的需求;2)通道(楼梯)的通行能力随着通道(楼梯)宽度的增加而增大,但增大趋势逐渐减小,在客流较大时应设置导向措施引导乘客适当使用楼梯或采取限流措施;3)对于"L"型换乘车站,"一顺"布置时换乘更便捷,而"双八字"布置更能缓冲客流,因此,需根据具体客流情况选择相应的换乘方式;4)近远期车站不同期建设时,应考虑换乘需求并为后续线路预留实现换乘的工程条件.%Taking the transfer between the existing two-story metro station with single pillar and the newly-built three-story metro station with two pillars for example,a combination of theoretical analysis and simulation is adopted to achieve a reasonable transferring; and the reasonable transfer mode is decided. And then, simulation analysis of the transfer scheme is carried out based on the passenger flow prediction. The simulation results show that:1)When the passenger flow is different,different transfer modes should be selected. 4 groups of stairs of 1.2 m up-and-down escalators and 1.4 m stairs distributed evenly on the longitudinal direction with the transfer channel through the 2 m width hole along the middle column symmetrically meets the transfer and evacuation requirement by using the single cycle transfer. 2)The traffic capacity of channel(stairs)increases with the width of channel(stairs)increase, but the increasing trend decreases gradually; when the passenger flow is large, the guide should be set to guide the passengers to use the appropriate stair or take the limited flow measures. 3)For L-typed transfer station, it is more convenient to transfer when the linear arrangement is adopted; and the double-chevron-typed arrangement can cushion the passenger flow better. 4)When the short and long term station construction is carried out at different time,the transfer demand should be taken into account and the engineering conditions for the replacement of the transfer line should be reserved.



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