首页> 中文期刊>农业机械学报 >穗状玉米测产系统设计与试验




A yield monitor system for corn ear was designed and applied in field. It is consisted of a monitor, a ground speed sensor, a yield sensor, a DGPS, a header sensor, an elevator speed sensor and the guiding device. The data of grain-ear ratio and moisture content of corn grains were sampled before harvest. The header sensor was used as a logic switch of the system while harvesting corn ears. All the corns were forced to impact the yield sensor at the same speed with the help of the guiding device. The monitor received signals coming from the yield sensor, the ground speed sensor, the elevator speed sensor and the DGPS worked out the yield in the plot and saved it in the file with extension of ". Vld". The yield map would be drawn by means of the self-developed DCAS ( data collecting and application system) . This system was applied in field in the autumn of 2009. The data of the experiment showed that the average relative error of the yield monitor system was 18. 11% .%设计了由产量监视器、速度传感器、产量传感器、差分全球定位系统(DGPs)、割台高度传感器、升运器转速传感器和玉米果穗导向装置组成的穗状玉米测产系统,并应用该系统进行田间测产试验.收获作业前抽样测量玉米果穗的粒穗比和含水率;玉米收获机工作时,以割台高度传感器作为逻辑开关,割台收获玉米果穗,通过导向装置使玉米果穗以相同速度冲击产量传感器;产量传感器将冲量转化为电信号,并传给产量监视器;产量监视器融合产量、速度、升运器转速及DGPS信息计算出当前小区产量并存储在扩展名为".vld"的文件中,应用自行研制的农业空间信息采集与应用系统(I)CAS)可绘制收获产量图.2009年秋季应用该系统进行田间玉米收获实时测产,田间试验数据表明该系统测产平均相对误差为18.11%.



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