首页> 中文期刊> 《电工技术学报》 >基于完全电压补偿法的SMES用于抑制电压暂降的参数设计




Voltage Sag is one of the most serious power quality problems,which happens frequently and always causes big economic loss.SMES can adjust the input and output power in four quadrants,which combines the superconducting magnet with the power electronic converter.So the SMES can restrain voltage sag quickly.However,because of the stability of superconducting magnetic(SM),there is a limit for the current in the SM.This paper studies the initial parameters of the SMES,which correspond to the minimum energy,when using SMES to restrain voltage sag by the complete voltage compensation method.This paper proposes the initial parameters choosing rules based on the characteristic of the SM.And then,the time-domain simulation models are established by using the software PSCAD/EMTDC to verify the rationality and utility of the proposed rules.%电压暂降是动态电能质量问题中发生频率最高、影响程度最严重,同时造成经济损失最大的一类问题。超导磁储能系统(SMES)利用超导磁体的高效储能特性以及现代电力电子装置,能够快速地实现功率的四象限调节,从而有效地抑制电压暂降。由于超导磁体的稳定性问题,超导线圈中的电流不能超过其允许的临界电流,因此,本文研究在采用完全电压补偿法抑制电压暂降时,超导磁体中最少初始储能所对应的参数设计。本文根据超导磁体以及电压暂降的特性,较为详细地提出参数设计规则,并通过PSCAD/EMTDC进行全时域的SMES抑制电压暂降的仿真,验证参数设计规则的合理性和实用性。



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