首页> 中文期刊>财经理论与实践 >农村体育公共产品供给不足的宏观调控法规制




因市场失灵与政府失灵而引发的农村体育公共产品供给不足,不仅契合了宏观调控法产生的社会根源,而且还符合宏观调控法的价值取向和实施机制。为缩小城乡体育公共产品供给上的差距以及克服农村体育公共产品供给上的区域性失衡与结构不合理等困境,实现体育领域中社会分配正义的价值诉求以及保障国民的体育基本权,应当通过健全完善发展规划法、财政法、税法及金融法等宏观调控法加以克服。%Rural sports public products supply shortage result from the market failure and govern-ment failure.Legal work in the perspective of macro-regulation is not only in the spirit of rooting out the social reasons for the lack,but also accord with the value orientation and enforcement mechanisms of macro-regulation law.To close the gap between urban and rural sports public products supply and over-come the regional imbalance and the unreasonable structure of public sports products supply in rural are-as,realizing the value of the distributive justice in the field of public sports demands and safeguard na-tional sports basic rights,it should be regulated by improving the laws of development planning and those in connextion with financial,tax and fiscal matters.



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