首页> 中文期刊> 《国土与自然资源研究》 >太行山南段主要隆升时期探讨




本文以太行山南段为研究区域,通过对夷平面的研究,认为太行期夷平面形成之后至唐县期夷平面形成之前太行山南段隆升约1300m,占整个山体隆升幅度的70%。河流阶地的研究表明太行山南段第四纪以来的隆升幅度约80m,对太行山南段隆升成山的贡献不大。同时,山前坳陷盆地古近系-新近系与第四系之间存在巨大的地层厚度差,以及山前断裂在古近纪和新近纪时期活动频繁,第四纪时期活动性弱。以上证据表明太行山南段主要隆升于太行期夷平面形成之后至唐县期夷平面形成之前,即中新世至上新世中期,第四纪隆升幅度较小。%The article focuses on the study of the southern segment of Taihang Mountains. Through the research on the planation surface, this paper argues that The southern segment of the Taihang Mountains uplifted about 1300m after the formation of Taihang planation surface to the formation Tangxian planation surface. It accounts for 70% of whole mountains uplift. The research on river terraces shows that the uplift of the southern seg-ment of Taihang Mountains since the Quaternary was about 80 m. It contributed little to the uplift of the southern segment of Taihang Mountains. Meanwhile, there is a huge difference in thickness between Paleogene -Neogene and Quaternary in the piedmont depression basins. And piedmont faults activities fre-quently during the the Paleogene and Neogene. On the contrary, the Quaternary is weak. The above evidence shows that the main uplift period of the southern segment of Taihang Mountains was after the formation of Taihang planation surface to the formation Tangxian planation surface(Miocene - Middle pliocene ). The up-lift amplitude in Quaternary was smaller.



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