首页> 中文期刊>公路交通技术 >高速公路中央分隔带植物合理间距及高度研究




高速公路沿线存在长距离的中央分隔带,其主要起防止眩光的作用.目前我国中央分隔带植物间距和高度主要根据遮光角计算得出,但遮光角的取值在规范中并未给出明确的参考值,不能有效指导绿化工程建设.综合考虑已有研究的遮光角取值和远光灯可见角范围,确定10°作为合适的遮光角,从而得出平直路段高速公路中央分隔带的植物间距和高度,并在总结分析已有研究的基础上,推导出平竖曲线路段的修正公式,可供绿化工程设计计算参考.%There is long central plant zone along expressway,it is used to prevent glare. At present, the spacing and height of central plant zone is mainly calculated by shading angle, however, the reference value of shading angle was not clearly specified in regulation,it has no practical meaning for central plant zone design. This paper took consideration of studied shading angle valuing and high beam visible angle range,and decided 10° was suitable shading angle, so to decide the spacing and height of central plant zone in flat and straight section of expressway. The authors deduced the correction formula of the vertical curve section based on the analysis of the existing research,as reference for central plant zone design.



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