首页> 中文期刊>技术经济 >中国农地流转制度对农业可持续发展的影响效应




This paper tests the influence effect of the change of China′s agricultural land transfer system on agriculture sustainable development by using translog model.Then combining with the present development situation of "three rural issues"in China and the requirement for agricul‐ture sustainable development ,it analyzes the way for China′s agricultural transfer system reform in the normalization of agricultural land trans‐fer ,that is the development of agricultural land transfer system should be advantageous to realize the marketization of land resource circulation , and to fully activate the assets and capital attributes of land resources ,and to promote the establishment of transfer institutional system including land ownership capitalization ,operation diversification and governance modernization ,in which all kinds of market subjects may participate in the process.%运用translog模型检验了农地流转制度变化对农业可持续发展的影响效应,并结合中国“三农”问题的发展现状和农业可持续发展的要求,分析了农地流转常态化中农地流转制度改革的出路,即农村土地流转制度发展应有利于实现土地资源的市场化流转机制、充分激活资源的资产和资本属性,促进建立各类市场主体均可参与的地权资本化、经营多元化以及治理现代化的流转制度体系。



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