首页> 中文期刊>华文教学与研究 >汉语作为第二语言的韵律边界声学特征的研究




Prosodic boundary has been a very important dimension for investigating the development of prosodic competence of second language learners. This study examined the influences on the characteristics of reading Chinese prosodic boundaries by language proficiency and prosodic boundary hierarchy comparing the Korean-Chinese learners with Chinese native speak⁃ers. The results show that:(1)The development of the characteristics of reading Chinese prosodic boundaries from the prima⁃ry level to the advanced level was uneven,the pre-lengthening,lower pitch and lower pitch reset were developed faster, while the silent pause was developed slower;(2)The competence to distinguish the hierarchical relationship of acoustic fea⁃tures at prosodic boundaries was different,the developmental process was dynamic and non-linear:for silent pause,all of the Korean-Chinese learners had learned the hierarchical relationship;for pre-lengthening,the primary and advanced Kore⁃an-Chinese learners performed well,they could distinguish the hierarchical relationship except that between prosodic word and intonation phrase,while the medium level Korean-Chinese learners performed worse,they could not distinguish the whole hierarchical relationship;for the lower pitch and the lower pitch reset,the Korean-Chinese learners had learned the hi⁃erarchical relationship,and besides the prosodic boundary hierarchy,the Chinese tone was also an important factor to affect the pitch characteristic.%韵律边界的声学特征是研究第二语言学习者韵律能力发展的重要维度。以第一语言为韩语的汉语学习者的朗读产出为研究对象,以汉语母语者朗读韵律的基线数据作为参照,考察语言水平和韵律边界等级对韩语母语者汉语朗读韵律边界的声学特征产出的影响。研究结果表明:(1)韩语母语者在韵律边界处的各项声学特征的发展是不均衡的,边界前音节延长、低音点和低音点音高重置特征发展得最快,无声段时长特征发展得最慢。(2)不同语言水平的韩语母语者对于韵律边界声学特征层级关系的区分是不同的,这种能力的发展是动态的、非线性的:对于无声段时长特征来说,初、中、高级水平韩语母语者都已经习得了无声段在三个等级边界间的节奏关系;对于边界前延长特征来说,初级和高级汉语水平韩语母语者的表现较好,可以将韵律短语边界区分出来,不能区分韵律词和语调短语边界,中级汉语水平韩语母语者的表现较差,不能区分边界前延长在三个等级边界间的层级关系;对于低音点和低音点音高重置特征来说,初、中、高级水平韩语母语者都已经习得了低音点和低音点音高重置在三个等级边界间的层级关系。



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