首页> 中文期刊>系统工程与电子技术 >基于数值模拟大气环境预测海上微波传播损耗




针对数值天气预报模式应用于电磁波传播预测的性能,比较数值模拟和无线电探空剖面,计算并对比以两者为输入的路径损耗.对于近地面1 km大气修正折射率梯度,两者间误差均值和标准差分别为4.4 M/km和16.6 M/km.通过在典型频点上的传播计算,发现频率较低或距离较近时,路径传播损耗误差较小,随着频率或距离的增加,误差逐渐增大.结果表明了数值天气预报技术在海上电波传播特性预测中的适用性.%In view of the performance of numerical weather prediction (NWP) for electromagnetic wave propagation, comparisons are made between simulated and radiosonde atmospheric profiles, as well as path propagation loss based on inputs of the refractivity profiles from the numerical weather mode and radiosonde. For the refractivity gradients of the lowest 1 km from the surface, the mean error and the error standard deviation are 4. 4 M-unit/km and 16. 6 M-unit/km respectively. Propagation characteristics of typical microwave frequency points show the error of the predicted path propagation losses remains small at low frequency or short range, and it increases with an increase of frequency or range. The results show the applicability of NWP for electromagnetic wave propagation prediction in the marine environment.



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