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A Road Extraction Method for Remote Sensing Image Based on Encoder-Decoder Network


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According to the characteristics of the road features,an Encoder-Decoder deep semantic segmentation network is designed for the road extraction of remote sensing images.Firstly,as the features of the road target are rich in local details and simple in semantic features,an Encoder-Decoder network with shallow layers and high resolution is designed to improve the ability to represent detail information.Secondly,as the road area is a small proportion in remote sensing images,the cross-entropy loss function is improved,which solves the imbalance between positive and negative samples in the training process.Experiments on large road extraction datasets show that the proposed method gets the recall rate 83.9%,precision 82.5%and F1-score 82.9%,which can extract the road targets in remote sensing images completely and accurately.The Encoder-Decoder network designed in this paper performs well in the road extraction task and needs less artificial participation,so it has a good application prospect.
机译:根据道路特征的特点,编码器解码器深度语义分割网络专为遥感图像的道路提取而设计。由于道路目标的特征在本地细节中丰富,语义特征简单,编码器 - 具有浅层和高分辨率的专用网络旨在提高表示细节信息的能力。即,随着道路面积在遥感图像中的少量比例,提高了跨熵损失功能,这解决了正面之间的不平衡训练过程中的阴性样本。大型道路提取数据集的实验表明,该方法的召回率为83.9%,精度82.5%和F1分数82.9%,可以完全准确地提取遥感图像中的道路目标。在本文中设计的编码器 - 解码器网络在道路提取任务中表现良好,需要更少的人工参与,因此它具有良好的应用PROSP ect。




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