首页> 外文期刊>教育理论综述(英文) >On the Pragmatic Thought of Gabelentz from the Address Words of Chinesische Grammatik

On the Pragmatic Thought of Gabelentz from the Address Words of Chinesische Grammatik


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Chinesische Grammatik is a book about Chinese grammar compiled by Hans Georg von der Gabelentz,in the 19th century.It is also a textbook for teaching Chinese as a second language.Among them,“weft”is a comprehensive system,which contains his pragmatic thought beyond the times.The study of appellations not only shows Hans Georg von der Gabelentz’s pragmatic thought,but also reflects his idea that the cultivation of learners’language ability should be the overall goal in Chinese teaching and the role of culture in cross-cultural communication.And the advanced educational concept of learning to use.
机译:Chinesische Grammatik是一本关于由Hans Georg Von der Gabelentz编制的中文语法的书籍。它也是用汉语作为第二语言教学的教科书。它,“纬线”是一个综合体系,其中包含他的务实思想超越了时代。目前的研究不仅表明了Hans Georg Von Der Gabelentz的务实思想,而且还反映了他的想法,即学习者的培养能力应该是中国教学的整体目标以及文化在跨文化交渡中的作用。以及学习使用的高级教育理念。




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