首页> 中文期刊>亚热带植物科学 >福建尤溪县代茶植物资源及其开发利用




The substituting tea plants in Youxi county, Fujian province, were investigated through a combination method of survey on important wild fields, collecting materials and interviewing. The result showed that there were substituting tea plants 48 species (including varieties) belonging to 57 genera in 32 families. The substituting tea plants with great development and utilization value were Houttuynia cordata, Sarcandra glabra, Reynoutria japonica, Distylium myricoides, Ampelopsis grossedentata, Ginkgo biloba, Imperata cylindrica var. major, Choerospondias axillaris and some species of Lonicera, Ilex. The type of life, the parts of substituting tea, care type, efficacy, the tastes characteristics and the altitude distribution about every species of substituting tea plants were listed. The suggestions about the development and utilization of those plants were put forward.%  为合理开发与利用福建省尤溪县代茶植物资源,采用野外重点区域调查、资料收集与民间访谈相结合的方法对该区的代茶植物资源进行调查。结果表明,该区共有代茶植物32科48属57种(包括变种),开发利用价值较大的种类主要有鱼腥草Houttuynia cordata、草珊瑚Sarcandra glabra、虎杖Reynoutria japonica、杨梅叶蚊母树Distylium myricoides、显齿蛇葡萄Ampelopsis grossedentata、银杏 Ginkgo biloba、白茅 Imperata cylindrica var. major、南酸枣Choerospondias axillaris及忍冬属Lonicera、冬青属Ilex的一些种类。文章分析了每种代茶植物的生活型、代茶部位、功效、性味特点及分布海拔,并提出开发利用建议。



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