首页> 中文期刊>科普研究 >科技工作者参与科普活动与对纳税人负责关系的研究




In the sense of democracy,it is taxpayers’ money that fund Chinese scientific and technological research and development;scientists must do science communication to the public. From the views of the professionalization of science, the ethos of science and responding to risk society, this article explores the relationship between scientists participating science popularization and their responsibility to taxpayers. By investigating the situation of Chinese scientists participating science popularization,it has found that most of them have realized the importance and meaning of science popularization, but lacked an understanding of their responsibility to taxpayers. The ways and forms in which Chinese scientists take part in science popularization have been becoming more diversified. But they are not eager to participate in science popularization, because it is not a part of the evaluations of Chinese scientists. Based on the study,some suggestions have been proposed to cultivate scientists’ responsibility to taxpayers and build a mechanic of science popularization evaluation and improve public engagement.%从民主的意义上讲,是公共税收支持着中国的科研活动,科技工作者应该以对纳税人负责的态度积极参与科普活动。本研究从科学的专业化、科学的精神气质和应对风险社会三个方面对科技工作者参与科普活动与对纳税人负责关系进行了理论探讨。对科技工作者参与科普活动的情况进行了调查,发现大多数科技工作者已经认识到科普活动的意义和重要性,但是从对纳税人负责角度的理解还存在明显不足。科技工作者参与科普活动的途径和形式已经多元化,但是因为科普没有被纳入科技评价机制中,他们投身科普活动的积极性不高。因此,本研究提出三方面的建议,即培育科技工作者的纳税人权利意识、将参与科普活动引入科技评价机制,以及推动公共参与。



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