首页> 中文期刊>文化艺术研究 >忆上海俄侨音乐奇才:阿克萨科夫




National Shanghai Institute of Music (now Shanghai Conservatory of Music ) was founded in 1930s , and at the early stage of its establishment , a group of overseas Russian musicians were invited by the principal Xiao Youmei to be the professors of this institute .They not only cultivated a large number of outstanding Chinese musical professionals , but also occupied the half world of Shanghai international art scene , making great contributions to the development and prosperity of Shanghai ’ s musical culture .A-mong these professors there was the overseas Russian talent pianist ,composer ,conductor ,music theoreti-cian and activist-Aksakov .However , due to various historical reasons and historical limitations of ide-ology ,Aksakov’s musical activities are actually rarely known .This article provides a specific historical patch of Aksakov ,his musical activities in Shanghai ,and their impact on society .%20世纪30年代国立音专成立初期,有一批俄侨音乐家应校长萧友梅的聘任担任该校的教授,他们不仅为中国培养了一大批优秀的音乐专业人才,他们自己也成为“上海国际艺坛的半壁江山”,为上海的音乐文化的繁荣和发展做出了卓越贡献。这些教授中就有俄侨天才的钢琴家、作曲家、指挥家、音乐理论家、音乐活动家阿克萨科夫。然而,由于种种历史的原因和意识形态上的历史局限,有关阿克萨科夫在上海的音乐活动却鲜为人知。本文以具体的史料考察阿克萨科夫在上海的音乐活动及其社会影响。



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