首页> 中文期刊>文化艺术研究 >《洛神赋图》对《洛神赋》中“我”和洛神的图像阐释




对《洛神赋》的人物形象的阐释是《洛神赋图》的要义之一。顾恺之以人物画擅长,《洛神赋图》中人物是中心和主体;而《洛神赋》故事的深层底蕴在于表现了人的一种精神世界。因此,探究《洛神赋图》对《洛神赋》的形象阐释,是领会《洛神赋图》《洛神赋》“语-图互文”要义的关键命题。%One of the main ideas of the painting The Goddess of the Lo River is to give an interpreta-tion of the figures in the prose-poem The Lyric for Lo River Goddess.As the painter Gu Kaizhi was good at figure paintings , figures are the center and main part of the painting .While the profound meaning of the prose-poem is to present the spirit of man , it is important for us to explore the paint-ing's graphical interpretation of the prose-poem so as to understand the intertextuality between the two.



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