首页> 中文期刊>文化艺术研究 >关于王羲之书法接受的思想衍说




From Weijin, Tang, Song Dynasties to Yuan Dynasty, along with change of time, the cultural image of Wang Xizhi have been constantly shifting and being reconstructed.From a Neo-Confucianism character with a profound metaphysics meaning in Weijin Dynasty to a role model of Confucian in Tang Dynasty, from an idle figure converting to Zen in Song Dynasty to Confucian rep-resentative after Neo-confucianismization in Yuan Dynasty, to some extent, a calligrapher’ s cultural image keeps being reshaped in various times, even in different stages of one era.Therefore, to study thoughts on the acceptance of Wang Xizhi’ s calligraphy has to be put in the specific historical back-ground to ensure objective research and pursuit.%从魏晋、唐、宋至元,随着时代的变迁和更迭,王羲之的文化形象在不断地转换和重塑。从魏晋玄意幽远的“新道学”形象、唐代儒家道统的楷模、宋代化道入禅的萧散形象到元代理化了的儒学代表,可以说,同一书家的文化形象在不同的时代,甚至同一个时代的不同阶段是被不断重构的。因此在对王羲之的书法接受进行思想衍说时,需要将其纳入到特定的历史原境中,进行客观的研究和追寻。



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