首页> 中文期刊>统计与信息论坛 >中国农业对外直接投资是否存在生产率悖论--基于2005-2014年省级面板数据的实证分析




基于2005—2014年中国省级层面农业对外直接投资的面板数据,分别运用普通最小二乘法、弱工具变量更不敏感的有限信息最大释然法(LIML)及差分矩估计方法(GMM ),对影响农业对外直接投资的因素进行实证研究,结果表明:生产率是农业对外直接投资的关键影响要素,这一结论与当前的异质性贸易理论关于生产率是企业开展对外直接投资的决定因素的结论是一致的,中国农业领域的对外合作不存在生产率悖论;农业对外直接投资尚未产生滞后影响,前期的对外直接投资对当期的对外直接投资没有产生带动作用;产业规模优势、政府的参与程度和政策支持是影响农业企业开展对外直接投资的重要因素,企业产业集聚对农业企业对外直接投资没有产生积极作用。据此,从企业层面和政府视角提出了具体应对政策与建议。%Based on panel data of the provincial level agriculture FDI from 2005 to 2014 ,respectively using Ordinary Least Square、Limited Information Maximum Likelihood(LIML) andDifference Generalized Method of Moments(GMM ) estimation method to do empirical research on factors affecting agricultural FDI .Study concluded that productivity is the determinants of agricultural foreign direct investment ,this conclusion is consistent with the current heterogeneous firm trade theory about productivity is determinants of FDI ,in the field of agricultural FDI there are not exists productivity paradox ;foreign direct investment has not yet produced agriculture lagged effect , pre FDI on current foreign direct investment did not produce the leading role ;industrial scale advantages ,participation and support of the government policy affecting agricultural enterprises to carry out foreign direct investment important factors ,corporate agribusiness industry gathering foreign direct investment did not produce a positive effect .Accordingly ,from the perspective of the enterprise level and the government put forward specific policy responses and suggestions .



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