首页> 中文期刊>南方建筑 >几何形式、透视法与自然的认知观




Based on the analysis of the different perspective views between Euclidean geometry and fractal geometry, a direct correlation is drawn between geometry and the laws of perspective :Western classical gardens creates static spaces based on Euclidean geometric composition by using fixed-point perspectives, while Chinese classical gardens creates dynamic spaces based on fractal geometrical composition by using dynamic perspectives. Euclidean Geometry comes with fixed-point perspective, while fractal geometry comes with dynamic perspective, each developing its distinctive aesthetic system. Epistemology determines methodology. The root of the different geometries and perspectives between Chinese and western gardens is due to the different views towards nature. The western way is to simplify nature through controlling it, while the Chinese way is to imitate nature through respecting it.%基于欧氏几何与分形几何的不同透视观法的分析可以看出,几何形式与透视观法存在必然联系:西方古典园林因欧氏几何形构图制造了静止的空间而采用定点透视的观法;中国古典园林因分形几何构图制造了动态的空间而采用动点透视的观法.欧氏几何与定点透视的观法浑然一体,分形几何与动点透视的观法浑然一体,发展出两套截然不同的美学体系.认知论决定了方法论,中西方园林几何形式与观法的不同根源在于自然观的不同,西方是控制自然从而简化自然,中国是尊重自然从而模拟自然.



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