首页> 中文期刊>社会保障研究 >农村老年人长期照护资金筹措模式研究的回顾与反思*--基于2000-2014年的国内文献




近年来,学者们围绕老年人长期照护的资金筹措模式展开了多方位、多视角的研究。大多数学者研究认为,目前农村老年人长期照护资金存在立法空白、缺乏政策支持、筹措模式单一等问题。通过文献与实证研究,学者们认为,影响农村老年人长期照护资金筹措模式发展的因素是多元的、多层次的;建议建立和完善以政府为主导、企业、个人三方协作、多管齐下的资金筹措模式,以促进农村老年人长期照护体系的建设。%In recent years,scholars did lots of researches in respect of the financing mode of the long-term care for the elder from different points of view and various aspects. According to most of their researches,the main problems of the existing fund for rural elders’long-term care are:short of appropriate legislation,lack of support from policy,and deficiency of different kinds of financing mode. Through literal and empirical studies,scholars came to the conclusion that,the reason that influences the development of the financing mode for rural eldersˊlong-term care is quite diversified. In order to promote the construction of the long-term care system for the elder in the rural region,the scholars suggested that,a financing mode should be established and completed,on the basis of the leading role of the government,together with the cooperation from enterprises and individuals.



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