首页> 中文期刊>四川环境 >成都市可持续发展的功能测度及其建设对策




本文从生产力、稳定性、维持性和公正性四个方面对成都 市的可持续发展进行了定量化分析;在充分考虑成都经济与环境发展现状和水平的基础上, 设置了成都市可持续发展经济增长与效益、人口及生活质量、资源与环境、社会稳定与社会 保障和可持续发展能力五个层次的41项目标;并着重从产业经济、土地资源利用与保护、环 境保护和城市集约化管理等方面提出了成都可持续发展的建议和对策。%This paper analysed the productivity, stability,sustainability and impartiality of sustainable development in Chengdu employed the method of quantitive analysis, the indicator system of sustainable development was set up, which included five different levels of speed and efficiency of eco nomic growth, population and living quality, resources and environment, social s tability and social insurance and the ability of sustainable development, based on the analysis of development standard and present situation in Chengdu city. Finally, author set forth the strategies of sustainable development, especially the strategies of industrial economy, resources utilization and protection, envi ronmental protection and intensive management of the city, which were closely re lated to economic construction and sustainable development of the city.



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