首页> 中文期刊>舰船科学技术 >浅海典型声速近程海底混响数值仿真




浅海混响以海底混响为主.本文选取对浅海近程海底混响贡献较大的声线采用射线声学理论,数值计算浅海3种典型声速分布下的海底混响时域信号和混响强度,分析声速分布、脉冲宽度及负跃层声速条件下声源深度对海底混响衰减的影响.计算结果表明:浅海近程混响强度随着时间振荡衰减,不同声速、不同声源深度下混响强度具有相似的衰减特性,但振荡衰减的"波峰"和"波谷"会随着声速分布、声源深度变化而变化.%Bottom reverberation was dominating in shallow sea. Time signal and intensity of bottom reverberation was numerically computed for three typical sound speed profiles which selected dominating sound rays based on ray acousticthe-ory in shallow sea. Influence of sound speed profiles and pulse width and sound source depth of thermocline sound speed profile to bottom reverberation intensity attenuation was analyzed. The results showed that the intensity of bottomreverbera-tion in shallow sea fluctuantly minish with time, the intensity attenuation character of bottom reverberation in different source depth is similar, and wave crest and trough of attenuation change with sound speed profiles and sound source depth.



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