首页> 中文期刊>舰船电子工程 >含初值的遥测速度和位移振动信号时域提取方法研究




针对飞行器在实际飞行试验中,其结构的位移和振动速度很难直接获取,论文提出利用加速度同位移和速度之间的微分关系,通过采集的遥测加速度振动信号在时域内直接进行数值积分获取位移和速度振动信号,考虑位移和速度初始值非零时对积分结果的影响,采用最小二乘拟合多项式方法进行位移和速度初始值的估计,在此基础上对积分结果进行了修正,确保结果的准确性.方法在仿真加速度振动信号上进行了应用,位移和速度获取结果的相对误差可以控制在千分之五以内,高精度的获取结果表明方法的适用性和可靠性,将其应用于飞行器飞行试验实测数据的处理过程中,获取了遥测位移和速度振动信号,结果的置信度较高.%In view of the vibration velocity and displacement during the flight test aircraft structure is not easy to obtain direct, propose using the differential relationship between acceleration with velocity and displacement in the time domain numerical integra?tion directly to obtain the velocity and displacement vibration acceleration vibration signals through telemetry signal acquisition, consider the initial value of velocity and displacement effect on the integration result of a non-zero,using the least squares polynomi?al fitting method of velocity and displacement initial value estimate,based on the results of the integration was amended to ensure the accuracy of the results. The relative error method on the simulation application acceleration vibration signals,velocity and dis?placement can be controlled to obtain results within five thousandths,obtaining high-precision results show the applicability and re?liability of the method will be applied to aircraft flight test found process data,telemetry acquired vibration velocity and displace?ment signals,the result is higher degree of confidence.



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