首页> 中文期刊>种子 >贵州马铃薯引进品种SSR分子标记及遗传多样性分析




为了鉴定马铃薯品种间的亲缘关系,采用5对SSR分子标记引物,对18个贵州马铃薯生产品种进行SSR分子标记及遗传多样性分析.结果表明:5对SSR引物共扩增出77个多态性条带,每个组合的多态性条带数为10~24不等,平均每个引物组合产生15.4个多态性条带.18个马铃薯材料之间的遗传距离范围在0.376 6~0.909 0之间,平均为0.701 1.经聚类分析,18个马铃薯材料在遗传距离0.57水平上全部聚为一类,以遗传距离0.60为基准,可明显聚为4个类群.第Ⅰ类包括5个材料;第Ⅱ类仅1个材料;第Ⅲ类包括4个材料;第Ⅳ类包括8个材料.%In order to identify the genetic relationship among potato cultivars,genetic diversity of 18 Potato Cultivars in Guizhou were analyzed by 5 pairs of SSR molecular marker primers.The results showed that 77 polymorphic bands were amplified by 5 pairs of SSR primers,and the number of polymorphic bands in each combination was 10-24.There were 15.4 polymorphic bands in each primer combination.The genetic distances between 18 potato materials ranged from 0.376 6 to 0.909 0,with an average of 0.701 1.By cluster analysis,18 potato samples were clustered into 4 groups at the 0.57 level of genetic distance.Based on the genetic distance of 0.60,they could be clustered into two groups.Category Ⅰ consists of 5 cultivars;Category Ⅱ only has 1 cultivar;Category Ⅲ consists of 4 cultivars;Category Ⅳ includes 8 cultivars.



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