首页> 中文期刊> 《国土资源科技管理》 >旅游用地利用与生态环境协调发展分析——以广西桂林市为例




This paper uses the coordination degree model to measure the tourism land use and the degree of coordinated development of ecological environment, providing a basis for the improvement of the integrated benefit of tourism land use. Based on the construction of tourism land use and quality assessment index system of ecological environment, using principal component analysis method, the paper evaluates the tourism land use and the quality assessment index system of ecological environment and arrives at their coordinated development degree by means of the coordinated development degree model. The results of the research show that from 2001 to 2010, tourism land use and coordinated development degree of ecological environment of Guilin City appears to ascend slowly.%在构建旅游用地利用水平和生态环境质量评价指标体系的基础之上,利用主成分分析法对两者进行综合评价,并采用协调发展度计算模型,得出两者的协调发展度.对桂林市的研究表明:2001-2010年,该市建成区旅游用地利用与生态环境协调发展程度呈现缓慢上升的趋势.旅游用地利用的研究是一个全新的课题,国内外都比较少,研究力图为旅游用地的合理利用提供一个在理论上有指导意义,在方法上可参照实施的模板,并为旅游学术界提出一个新视角.



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