首页> 中文期刊>科技管理研究 >解释学现象学视域中的技术沉思——海德格尔对技术的追问




当今世界正面临技术的困扰,反思技术非常紧迫.海德格尔在解释学现象学的视域内对技术现象进行了深刻思考,重新界定了技术的本质.他认为,技术是一种显现和解蔽事物的方式;现代技术的本质是座架,它束缚着人和事物,同时它也是存在的天道的显露;现代技术的思想根源是西方形而上学的历史;克服现代技术统治的道路是思和诗(艺术).%Nowadays the world is in the face of the puzzles of technology, so it's very urgent for us to reflect on technology. Heidegger considered technology deeply under the horizon of hermeneutic phenomenology. He redefined the essence of technology and thought that technology was a way of revealing and unfolding things. Moreover Heidegger considered that frame was the essence of modem technology which bound up people and things and it also was the being's destiny. The ideological root of modern technology is the history of western metaphysics, and if we want to overcome the domination of modern technology, we must learn to think and go back to poetry (art).



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