首页> 中文期刊> 《科技管理研究》 >基于产业梯度的京津冀合作减排分析




This paper studies the industrial gradients and the gradient transfer of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei from 2002 to 2012,and makes corresponding measurement and analysis in terms of the carbon productivity of the nation in the same peri-od.The results show that carbon productivity of the advantageous industries in Beijing is higher than the other two regions, and most of the industries with low carbon productivity have transferred to Tianjin,Hebei;Tianjin is lower compared to Beijing,and Hebei is the lowest;there is also industrial transfer between Tianjin and Hebei.The textile industry and the raw materials processing industry have transferred to Tianjin by gradient gradually.The extractive industry and part of the e-quipment manufacturing industry have transferred to Hebei.And the paper gives co -reduction countermeasures based on the analysis of industrial gradient.%研究京津冀3个地区2002—2012年产业梯度及梯度转移情况,并用全国同时期的产业碳生产率水平对其进行衡量和分析。研究结果表明:北京梯度优势产业碳生产率偏高,且碳生产率偏低的大部分产业梯度转移到天津、河北;天津梯度优势产业碳生产率较北京有所下降,河北梯度优势产业碳生产率最低;天津、河北除承接北京梯度转出产业外,两地区之间也存在梯度转移。在分析产业梯度的基础上,给出京津冀合作减排对策。



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