首页> 中文期刊> 《科技资讯》 >第四纪异常气候环境与地质微生物2013年度报告




To understand the microbial response and feedback under Quaternary climatic anomalies is a important scientific issue, which provide not only a analogy to the relationship between microorganisms and climate change in the ongoing global warming, but also a validation case to test the interaction hypothesis between the microbes and the earth environment in geological scale. Thus, the study of Quaternary geobiology in an abnormal environment builds a link of modern processes to deep times. In this project, some geological materials, such as speleothem, peat and lake sediments were analyzed to extract the detailed messages of geobiology and environment by the advanced techniquese with a detect level of atoms or molecules. Based on this data, we investigate the interaction between the Quaternary microbes and the climate. We found, (1)the response of thermoluminecence in speleothem to the content of humic acid originated from the biological decomposition of organic matter, a temperature dependent process in soil; (2)the duration and evolution of the climate event about 8,200 years ago from a sub-annually resolved stalagmite record from central China, is indistinguishable from that observed in the Greenland ice cores, implying an effective and rapid atmospheric teleconnection existed between the North Atlantic and the monsoon system during the early Holocene; (3)the dependence of the GDGTs and hopanoid in peat on the water level in wetland, provided a novel proxy for reconstruction of paleaohydrology; (4)the microbial lipids based temperature fluctuation during the geological time, implying a nature forcing for climatic variation; (5)an evolution spectrum of quaternary animals under various Quaternary environments, which provide a modal for the adaptation of human in greenhouse periods.%第四纪异常气候下微生物的响应和反馈的研究不但对了解现代全球变暖背景下微生物与气候变化之间的关系具有启示作用,同时对也为地质历史时期微生物和环境之间的协同演化的假设提供验证的案例。因而,第四纪异常环境下地质微生物的研究是联系微生物作用的现代过程与地质过程的桥梁。该研究借助于洞穴沉积物、泥炭沉积物和长江中游的湖泊沉积等地质载体,建立评估不同环境典型微生物地质过程的分子和原子(同位素)水平的示踪技术方法,查明微生物通过影响碳循环等地质地球化学过程对地质环境的作用。在前期的研究基础上,2013年的研究取得以下重要进展:(1)利用石笋碳酸盐热释光对土壤生物过程进行了示踪,获得土壤有机质分解与微生物降解过程的信息,发现了温度对土壤呼吸的影响,为未来全球变暖下土壤碳库大小的评估提供依据;(2)对发生在全新世的一次气候异常事件进行了解剖,发现东亚季风区8.2 ka BP气候事件的石笋记录与著名的格陵兰冰芯氧同位素记录具有高度相似性,说明在北大西洋降温和东亚季风减弱之间存在密切气候耦合;(3)开发了GDGTs和霍类化合物两个表征古水文的指标,并成功地用于古环境的重建,有望为预测全球变暖过程中不断出现严重的洪灾和旱灾的预测和防范发挥作用;(4)建立了微生物脂类定量重建古温度的新方法,探索地球表层长期温度的波动,为评估自然条件下地球环境变化的频率和强度提供基础资料;(5)第四纪动物演化及其对环境变化的响应的研究,对当今全球变暖的适应性具有启示作用。



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