首页> 中文期刊> 《科教文汇》 >高校学生管理工作中激励机制应用研究




Scientific and effective management of college students is the first element of training qualified students, and the incen-tive mechanism is an important part of educational management in Colleges and universities, establish and improve the incentive mechanism, application of effective incentive ways can compre-hensive system to achieve student management and personnel training objectives, the student individual goals and objectives of the unity of the school culture. Based on the analysis of the in-centive mechanism of university students' management, focusing on the management of college students, application of incentive measures, including conducting various forms of education, es-tablish learning incentive, create student society activities and to set a good example and incentive measures.%  科学有效的高校学生管理工作是培养合格的大学生的第一要素,而激励机制是高校学生教育管理中的重要环节,建立完善的激励机制,应用有效的激励方式可以全面系统地实现学生管理与人才培养目标,将学生个体目标与学校培养目标相统一。本文在分析了高校学生管理激励机制的基础上,重点探讨了高校学生管理工作中,激励措施的应用,主要包括开展多种形式教育、建立学习诱因、创造学生社会活动条件和树立榜样的激励措施。



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