首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >“中间物”翻译思想下的鲁迅早期科学小说翻译




Lu Xun's views on translation, formed under the influ-ence of the philosophy view that everything is intermediary, are reflected by the translation in Lu Xun's translation practice. By regarding the translation as a cultural strategy of borrowing and the translator as Prometheus, Lu Xun has a deep understanding on the essence of translation activities and the role of a translator. Analyzing Lu Xun's early activities of translating science fictions can contribute to find out the translation strategy and the choice of language reflecting Lu Xun's view of"intermediary".%在“一切都是中间物”的哲学观影响下形成的“中间物”翻译观贯穿鲁迅一生的翻译实践。“拿来主义”文化策略、“盗火的普罗米修斯”是鲁迅对自己的翻译活动和译者中间物本质的深刻认识。对鲁迅早期科学小说翻译进行研究梳理,可以发现鲁迅早期科学翻译在翻译策略和翻译语言的选择上都体现出他的“中间物”翻译思想。



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