首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >关于海南省高职院校创业教育的几点思考




近几年,国家加大就业创业政策扶持力度,尤其大力提倡大学生创业,为此大学生创业教育逐渐受到高等院校的广泛重视,作为为国家和社会培养职业型技能人才的高职院校也纷纷顺应社会大潮加大了对大学生创业教育的重视力度,然而创业教育从孕育而生到发展至今也遇到了瓶颈。基于此,本文从建设创业教育基地、参观实习企业、校企联合的方式、培养创业教育师资队伍,以及建立创业教育评价体系等方面进行了收集资料和一些探索与思考。%In recent years, our country has enhanced the policy supporting for employment and entrepreneurship, especially col-lege students' entrepreneurship which has been gradually given wide attention by colleges and universities, including higher vo-cational colleges which cultivate occupational and technical tal-ents for the country and society. Much importance has been at-tached to the entrepreneurship education of college students in higher vocational colleges, but a bottleneck has been encoun-tered. Based on this, this paper collects some materials and makes some explorations from the construction of entrepreneur-ship education bases, visiting the enterprises for practice, col-lege-enterprise cooperation, the cultivation of a teaching staff for entrepreneurship education, and the establishment of an evalua-tion system for entrepreneurship education.



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