首页> 中文期刊>盐业史研究 >唐中后期度支盐铁官吏的司法权论考——以《殷彪墓志》为中心的考察




A tombstone of the Tang Dynasty is collected in Zhenjiang Museum with the name of The epitaph of Yin,The governor the of Ming state,also be given Chaosan Dafu,Shangzhuguo.The epitaph is about Yin Biao and the full text is more than 1,400 words, recording Yin Biao's official experience and family background. Yin Biao was served as the officer of Jiaxing Jian, Yangtzi Yuan and so on in the salt and iron system. The experience of his lower and middle officials in the salt and iron system recorded by the epitaph is an important information for the study on the judicial power and judicial operation of the officials of the salt and iron system in the late Tang Dynasty.%镇江博物馆收藏有一方唐代碑刻,题名为《□朝散大夫使持节明州诸军事守明州刺史上柱国陈郡殷府君墓志铭并序》,志主为殷彪.该墓志全文1400余字,记载了殷彪的仕宦经历及其家世.殷彪先后担任知嘉兴监、知扬子院等四任盐铁系统的官员.其墓志所载任职盐铁中下层官员的经历,是我们研究唐代后期度支盐铁系统官员司法职权和司法运作问题的重要资料.



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