首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >溶液体积测量不确定度评估中△V=Vβ△t公式的质疑




为了考察体胀公式△V=Vβ△t应用的合理性,分别用体胀公式和导出的准确算式计算了水溶液和常见有机溶液的温变体积差,并于国标值进行了对照.结果发现,体胀公式对水溶液的计算结果大多存在不可接受的误差,而有机溶液与准确算式基本一致,表明体胀公式只适用于有机溶液而不适合水溶液,原因是有机溶剂的密度随温度的变化成线性而水不是为使体胀公式适合于水溶液,通过对水溶液的温度-密度曲线进行乘幂线性化改造而修正的体胀公式,可得到与准确算式和国标基本一致的结果.%In order to investigate the reasonableness of the formula △V = VβS△t, this report uses the expansion formula and the formula derived from the expansion formula to calculate the volume differences of temperature change, which is caused by aqueous and common organic solutions. According to the national standard, for most results of aqueous solution calculation there exist unacceptable errors, while the results of organic solution calculation are consistent. It indicates that the expansion formula is only suitable to organic solution rather than aqueous solution. The reason of this phenomenon is that the density of the organic solvent is linear with temperature and aqueous is not. To make the expansion formula suit for aqueous solution calculation, this report modifies the formula by exponential liner transformation of aqueous solution temperature-density curve and consequentially the result can get consistent statistics with the accurate formula and national standard.



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