首页> 中文期刊>实验室研究与探索 >法学专业实验室评价指标体系探究




The main aim of law education is to provide students' with ability of law practice. As a new born thing, the construction of law major laboratory which can give students practice teaching was trapped in the ideas, system, and teachers' qualifications and so on, we were also lack of practicing evaluation index to evaluate the laboratory ' s operation. This article tries to introduce an analytic hierarchy process into the construction of evaluation index system of law major laboratory and make a joint of qualitative and quantitative evaluation, and then to form an evaluation index system of raising students' ability of law practice as core. Then we give score to every element, so as to construct a practicing evaluation index system of law major laboratory.%法学教学以提高学生法律实务能力为主要目标,而具有实训功能的法学专业实验室建设作为新生事物,其建设面临着观念、体制、师资等方面的困境,对其运行效果的评价也缺乏具体可操作的衡量指标.在法学专业实验室评价指标体系的构建中引入层次分析法,将定性评价与定量测评结合起来,形成以提高学生法律实务能力为核心的评价指标体系,对各指标要素进行赋分,构建具有可操作性的法学专业实验室评价指标体系.



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