首页> 中文期刊>经济与管理研究 >认知能力和非认知能力的教育回报率——基于国际成人能力测评项目的实证研究




It is widely recognized that issues like how to cultivate high-quality students in school,how to develop human resource in company and how to invest efficiently on human capital by oneself are of importance.This paper uses the empirical method to explore the mechanism on how education affects skills and how the skill upgrading will lead to rewards on the labor market.This paper estimates the return to cognitive and non-cognitive skills acquired from school and workplace separately,and then describes the process of skill formation and human capital accumulation during lifecycle.The results show that cognitive skills are mainly obtained in school,while non-cognitive skills are acquired from workplace;and the effects of non-cognitive skills are more significant on male,while the effects of cognitive skills are more significant on female.It sheds some light on improving individual human capital investment strategies and the function of school education,as well as human resource development strategies.%学校如何培育高素质人才、企业如何进行人力资源开发、个人如何有效提升人力资本是当今经济学家和教育学界普遍关注的问题.本文通过微观实证研究,探索人力资本的核心部分即如何通过教育提升个人能力,进而分析影响收入的作用机理;并分别估计个体在进入劳动力市场后,认知能力和非认知能力的教育回报率,发现学校教育主要培养了认知能力,非认知能力主要从工作中获得;对于男性来说,非认知能力的教育回报率更显著,而女性则是认知能力.最后,本文分别从个人、学校和企业三个角度提出建议和对策.



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