首页> 中文期刊>制冷与空调 >地下廊道冬季新风预热增湿实效研究




As a long-applied building energy saving technology,earth-air heat exchan-ger has been widely used at home and abroad.Because the outdoor climate and soil tem-perature have great influence on the operation effect of the earth-air heat exchanger,the actual energy saving effect of the system has great regional difference.With the further u-tilization of underground space in urban buildings, underground ventilation corridor system has been developed and applied.In order to study the effect of fresh air preheating and humidification in underground corridor in hot-summer and cold-winter zone,taking the underground corridor system of an office building in Chongqing as the research obj ect, we conducted an all day ventilation measurement during the period from January 19 to January 24,2016.Furthermore,we carried on a depth analysis on the temperature recov-ery of gallery wall,heating-up capacity,humidification capacity.The results show that, the state of air supply is stable in the underground corridor during winter air treatment, and the average air temperature rises to 3.18 ℃,showed a significant heating humidifica-tion effect.%地道风作为一项应用已久的建筑节能技术,在国内外都有广泛应用.由于室外气候与土壤温度对地道风系统运行效果影响甚大,其节能实效有很大的地域差异性.随着城市建筑地下空间的进一步利用,地下通风廊道系统也得以开发和应用.为研究地下通风廊道在夏热冬冷地区冬季空调工况下的新风预热增湿实效,本文以重庆市某办公建筑地下廊道系统为研究对象,于2016年1月19日至24日进行了全天通风实测,并从系统壁面温度恢复、升温能力、增湿能力等方面进行了深入分析.研究结果表明:冬季空调工况下,地下廊道系统在空气处理过程中送风状态稳定,平均送风温升达3.18℃,总体呈明显的升温增湿效果.



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