首页> 中文期刊>铁路计算机应用 >城市轨道交通出行者多方式换乘行为决策研究




In this paper, Line 13 of Beijing Wangjing West Subway Station was researched, and found out the characteristics of common transfer station. Generalized Logit (G-Logit) model was developed, which was based on three main transfer models (urban transit, buses, taxis) and three additional models (private cars, bicycles, walking). Based on the model, the prediction method was proposed for multimode transfer of common urban transit hub. By calibrating the model parameters and comparing it with others, it was proved that the method could predict the volume of passenger flow between urban transit and other modes of transport accurately and objectively. The achievement of research had certain significance on facility layout of multimode transfer for urban transit and passenger traffic organization.%本文选取北京城铁13号线望京西站进行研究,分析得出普通换乘站点多方式衔接换乘的特点,建立以轨道交通、公交车、出租车3种主要换乘方式,及私家车、自行车、步行3种附加交通方式为选择肢,构建基于出行目的、衔接距离双重因素最优的广义-Logit方式选择模型,并以此为基础提出普通轨道交通站点多方式客流衔接换乘预测方法,通过对模型参数进行标定及对比验证,证明该方法能够客观和精确的预测轨道交通与衔接交通方式之间的换乘客流量,研究成果对未来轨道交通站点多方式换乘设施布设,客流交通组织具有一定的指导意义.



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