首页> 中文期刊>出版科学 >儒耶?商耶?陆费逵的人文理想与职业行为




在近代出版史上,陆费逵被认为是儒商的典型代表,其所创建的中华书局为近代思想启蒙和传承文化经典做出了巨大的贡献.以往学界的研究多集中在其"儒商合一"的一面.然而,在民族资产阶级身处弱势的近代中国,商业决策与生产管理无法达到理想中的脉脉温情."儒"的情怀与"商"的现实必然会产生碰撞,作为中华书局的领导人,在风云诡谲的近代国势与商场中保存中华书局的命脉乃是陆费逵的第一选择.本文主要从企业掌舵人的角度,聚焦于陆费逵多项商业决策与管理方式,以其在理想与现实中的纠结与选择,展现一个性格更加丰富多样的陆费逵.同时,"陆费逵之惑"不仅仅是他一人的纠结,近代以来的知识分子身上或多或少都有这种理想与现实之困.%In the modern history of publishing, Lu Bikui is considered to be a typical representative of Confucian Entrepreneurs, the creator of Zhonghua Book Company made a great contribution to the modern enlightenment and cultural heritage classic. Study on the previous academic focused on the side of the his Confucian personality. However, decision-making and production management of National Bourgeoisie in the modern China can not achieve the ideal of tenderness."Confucian"and"business" was bound to have a collision, it was urgent target for Zhonghua Book Company to survive in the modern country and make a profit. Mainly from the angle of the enterprise leader, this article focuses on Lu Bikui's work on business decision-making and management, to show a more rich and diverse character of Lu Bikui. At the same time,"Lu Bikui's puzzle" is not only of his own, but also pressing on the all modern Chinese intellectuals.



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