首页> 中文期刊>公共管理与政策评论 >政务互联视角下的府际关系网络特征——基于地级市政府门户网站和政务微博的社会网络分析




The informal connection under the background of the Big Data and the Internet becomes an important channel for the communication among governments and citizen and also symbolize the relationship of our governments.It is emerging important to studying the characters of intergovernmental relation network featured by Internet medium with informal connection, which will help to clarify the government relation structure and model, to develop the e-government platform, to improve the administrative notion.Through searching the data of governmental portal navigation links of 339cities and government micro-blog following and followed relationships of 284cities, we built networks of horizontal local governments.Then chosen the dimension of network closeness and centralization at provincial level, network overall feature and spatial position at national level to analysis the informal connection network.The study found that: (1) At provincial level, network constructed by portal websitesinformal connection is more closeness than the network constructed by the government micro-blogs, the government featured by portal website showed higher administration coordination and homogeny while appear to be more autonomy and difference under microblogs.In terms of relation model, websites connection showed"full-bore"model and"multicenter"model.The latter showed"multi-center"model and"mixed-center"model. (2) From the national perspective, there existed some similarities between the formal connections and the informal link connections;the informal network relation has informed"two-big and three-small"pattern and"four-small and three-small"feature, capital cities of provincial governments lie at the center position of overall network, and incline to contact with highly development cities, noncapital cities prefer to participate the national level links.Autonomous prefecture and prefecture performed strong directivity.%大数据与互联网背景下的非正式连接已成为政府间、政府与民众间进行政务沟通的重要渠道, 也是府际关系的重要表征.探析互联网媒介下的横向府际连接网络特征, 对厘清我国横向府际关系特征、理解政府行政协调性和政务信息传播机制、深化电子政务平台建设以及创新行政理念等都具有现实意义.利用339个政府网站导航链接和284个政务微博关注数据, 构建我国地级市政府间府际关系网络, 在省级和国家层面分别选择网络紧密度和中心势、网络整体特征和空间位置维度进行对比分析.研究发现: (1) 省级层面, 政府网站链接关系网络的紧密度高于政务微博关注关系网络, 政府网站建设更加成熟, 府际间的行政协调性、"同质性"更强, 而政务微博的自主性、"异质性"更明显;信息传播机制 (即网络连接模式) 而言, 前者以"全通式"和"多中心式"连接形态为主, 后者多为"多中心式"和"混合式"连接形态. (2) 国家层面, 两种非正式连接形成的网络结构特征与正式连接形成的城市网络结构具有相似性;由政府网站和政务微博连接数据构建的府际网络分别形成了"两大三小"和"四大三小"的整体格局, 网络稠密化趋势已经形成;同时在城市网络等级上, 少数核心城市居于中介位置, 省会城市政府在整体网络中居中心位置;城市联系具有一定指向性, 省会城市倾向于与高经济发展水平城市联系, 而非省会城市政府则更愿意参与全国范围的联系, 州和自治区则形成了"共同社区"城市子群.



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