首页> 中文期刊>公共管理与政策评论 >合作网络与绩效管理:公共管理实证研究中的应用及理论展望




自20世纪90年代末以来, 公共管理学者日益关注合作网络这一概念.本文主要综述过去20年间西方学者关于合作网络和组织绩效的实证研究文献.公共管理领域关于合作网络的研究主要致力于解释合作网络的成因以及合作网络对组织绩效和绩效管理行为的影响.大量的公共管理实证研究表明, 跨组织间的合作网络有利于提高组织绩效和促进政策的有效执行.本文在结语部分探讨合作网络在公共管理研究领域的应用前景.本文指出未来的研究应侧重于关注跨组织网络的多元性, 组织间潜在的合作竞争关系, 以及在何种情况下合作网络可能对组织绩效产生负面效应.%Since the 1990s, public management scholars have paid a great deal of attention to the concept of collaborative networks, particularly in empirical studies on networking collaboration and performance management.This essay offers an overview of the important research in the area of collaborative networks and organizational performance.An in-depth literature review shows that past research on performance management in networked settings has progressively offered insights on the determinants and consequences on collaborative networks.Together, the extensive literature demonstrates the importance of inter-organizational networks in promoting organizational performance and effective public service delivery.This essay concludes with discussions on ways by which the network scholarship can be pushed forward, including the diversity within collaborative networks and the potential dark side of networking management.



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