首页> 中文期刊>心理技术与应用 >意识问题的跨学科解答--评《神经现象学:整合脑与意识经验的认知科学哲学进路»




意识问题是心理学皇冠上最耀眼的明珠。近二十年来,意识研究迎来了全面复兴。然而,国内心理学界有关意识的跨学科理论研究仍然处于滞后状态。陈巍博士新近出版的专著《神经现象学:整合脑与意识经验的认知科学哲学进路»围绕意识问题系统阐述并推进了神经现象学这一新兴理论框架。这项工作对于处于认知科学时代的有关意识的理论心理学研究具有启示作用,也遗留下诸多亟待进一步反思的重要问题。%The consciousness problem is the most dazzling pearl on the royal crown of the psychology. In the last couple of decades, the dawn of consciousness research recovery is emerging. However, researchers who employ interdiscipli-nary theories to study the consciousness are still at the lag condition throughout psychological circles in our country. Dr Chen Wei’s book Neurophenomenology:An Approach in Philosophy of Cognitive Science for Integrating Brain and Conscious Experience systematically illuminates and develops a burgeoning theoretical framework of neurophenome-nology around consciousness problem. This research not only enlightens the theoretical psychology of consciousness in the cognitive scientific area, but also lefts numerous crucial and pressing problems which need profound consider-ation.



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