首页> 中文期刊> 《心理技术与应用》 >高中生性别角色冲突量表的编制及信效度分析




Gender Role Conflict Scale for Chinese high school students was developed based on in-depth interview and open questionnaire by combination of GRCS and GRCS-A, and was finished by 620 high school students from Henan Province by using convenience sampling.The reliability and validity of Gender Role Conflict Scale for Chinese high school students was examined by Pearson's correlations, exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic approaches.The empirical results reveal that: The Gender Role Conflict Scale for Chinese high school was established with four factors including "Restrictive Emotionality", "Restrictive Affectionate Behavior Between Men/Women", "Conflict Between Work and Family Relations", "Success, Power and Competition", with a cumulative contribution rate of 56.58%.The Confirmatory factor analysis results showed that the scale had good fitting degree.The Cronbach's α was 0.822.Item total score correlations were between 0.47 and 0.87(p<0.01).The correlation between Gender Role Conflict Scale for Chinese high school students and Psychological Stress was 0.26(p<0.01);the correlation between Gender Role Conflict Scale for Chinese high school students and Perceived Social Support was-0.44(p<0.01).Gender Role Conflict Scale for Chinese high school students reaches the standard require in terms of reliability and validity, and valid for application future research.%在深入访谈和开放式问卷调查结果的基础上,结合GRCS和GRCS-A量表,编制中国高中生性别角色冲突量表.采用方便抽样方法,从河南四市高中抽取620名高中生进行量表调查,采用相关分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析对量表的信效度进行检验.结果表明:高中生性别角色冲突量表由限制性情感表达,同性间限制性亲密行为,追求成功、权力和竞争,学业与家庭的冲突4个因素共17个项目组成,累积贡献率为56.58%;验证性因素分析表明量表具有较好的拟合优度;总量表的克隆巴赫α系数系数为0.82,总量表和各因素之间的相关系数在0.47~0.87之间(p值均<0.01);与心理压力的相关系数为0.26(p<0.01),与社会支持的相关系数为-0.44(p<0.01).编制的高中生性别角色冲突量表有较好的信度和效度,可做为测量高中生性别角色冲突的有效工具.



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