首页> 中文期刊> 《防护林科技》 >肇庆主要珍贵树种早期生长表现与评价




调查了肇庆市国有北岭山林场铁西工区9个珍贵树种早期生长表现。结果表明:在9个试验树种中,西南桦表现最好,且下坡生长状况较好,树高和胸径分别为6.20 m、8.90 cm;其次是红锥、柚木、檀香,年平均树高生长量均大于1 m,地径年平均生长量大于2 cm;降香黄檀、樟树、土沉香、楠木、格木5个树种,生长表现较差,树高生长量小于1 m,尤其是格木,下坡年平均树高生长量仅为0.22 m。根据试验结果,肇庆地区栽植珍贵树种,首选西南桦,其次为红锥、柚木、檀香3个树种,降香黄檀、樟树、土沉香、楠木、格木5个树种有待在后期的生长表现中作进一步观测。%The early growth performance of nine species in Tiexi Work Area of Beilingshan State-owned Forest Farm in Zhaoqing City was investigated.Result shows that among nine test tree species,Betula alnoides performed opti-mal,growth of Betulaalnoides downhill is optimal,tree height &DBH is 6.20 m,8.90 cm,respectively;secondly is Castanopsishystrix ,Tectonagrandis and Santalumalbum,their annual average tree height growth are all more than 1 m,the annual average rate of growth for ground diameter is more than 2 cm;the growth performance of five species (Dalbergiaodorifera,Cinnamomumcamphora,Aquilariasinensis,Phoebezhennan,Erythrophleumfor-dii)are poor;growth of tree height is less than 1 m,especially Erythrophleumfordii;average height growth rate is only 0.22 m downhill.According to the experimental results,the first choice for planting precious species in Zha-oqing area is Betulaalnoides,followed by Castanopsishystrix,Tectonagrandis and Santalumalbum,the growth performance of five species (Dalbergiaodorifera,Cinnamomumcamphora,Aquilariasinensis,Phoebezhennan, Erythrophleumfordii )need further observation later.



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