首页> 中文期刊>动物医学进展 >一例犬糖尿病的诊断与治疗




犬糖尿病是犬的常发疾病,其临床症状为多饮、多食、多尿、体重下降。持续的血糖升高导致机体代谢紊乱,出现如白内障、胰腺炎、肾上腺皮质机能亢进等继发症,对犬的生活质量及生命健康造成严重的威胁。论文对1例Ⅰ型糖尿病犬进行详细分析,通过测量血糖、尿糖确诊为糖尿病,并通过实验室检查包括血细胞计数、血清生化检测及血气分析,排除并发症。治疗过程与主人共同配合,使用外源性胰岛素结合食物疗法与运动疗法。目前该犬的血糖稳定并接近正常值,身体状况得到改善,生活质量提高,主人对治疗效果满意。持续治疗方法是根据犬的身体情况及血糖变化适当调整胰岛素的剂量。%Canine diabetes mellitus is a common disease in dogs,and its clinical symptoms are polydipsia, polyphagia,urinary frequency,weight loss.Persistent hyperglycemia leads to metabolic disorders,such as cataract,pancreatitis,hyperadrenocorticism,serious threat to the quality of life and health of the dogs.In this paper,a typical case of type I diabetes mellitus in a dog was analyzed.Through the measurement of blood glucose and urine glucose the disease was diagnosed as diabetes.Through laboratory tests including blood cell count,serum biochemistry and blood gas analysis,complication was eliminated.The treatment in-cluded the use of exogenous insulin therapy,dietary therapy and exercise.After treatment,the blood glu-cose of the dog was stable and close to the normal value,the physical condition was improved,the quality of life was improved,and the owner was satisfied with the treatment effect.Continuous treatment was based on the physical condition of the dog and the change of blood glucose through adjusting the dose of insulin.



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