首页> 中文期刊> 《自动化仪表》 >小尺寸圆柱端面缺陷在线视觉检测系统




Based on vision measurement technology, an online visual inspection system for defects of small sized cylindrical end surface has been researched and developed. By adopting CCD camera and the sensor formed by ordinary LED light source, and combining with the self-developed application software, automatic inspection of the defects is achieved. The applicable image processing algorithm is researched to precisely and reliably obtain the data of outer contour of the end surface;the calculation method for the characteristic value using contour data and fitted ellipse is proposed, and the criteria of identifying defects is worked out. The experimental results indicate that this system possesses higher inspecting speed and determining accuracy, thus it can enhance existing efficiency of production line.%基于视觉测量技术,研究开发了一套小尺寸圆柱工件的端面缺陷在线检测系统。利用CCD摄像机和普通LED光源形成传感器,结合自主开发的应用软件,实现缺陷的自动检测。研究了适用的图像处理算法,以准确可靠地获得端面的外轮廓数据;提出了利用轮廓数据和其拟合的椭圆计算特征数值的方法,并制定了缺陷判定准则。试验结果表明,该系统具有较高的检测速度与判定准确度,提高了现有的生产线效率。



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