首页> 中文期刊>外国中小学教育 >俄罗斯教育政策形成、实施及评价机制的特点




进入21世纪,俄罗斯教育政策的形成、实施和评价机制已初具规模。其形成采用自上而下的路径,具有渐进性和延续性。实施过程中坚持先小范围实验,后大面积推广、原则性和灵活性相统一、联邦中央和地方主体共同承担费用等原则。政策的评价采用目标达成模式,以官方评价为主导。虽然俄罗斯教育政策形成、实施及评价机制存在利益团体参与少、执行低效、评价机制不完整等问题,但俄罗斯政府正努力促使其向科学、民主和高效发展。%In the initial of 21 century, the mechanism of Russian education policy has been set with its formation, implementation and evaluation. The formation runs along the top-down routine, showing the policy’s progressive and continuity. The process of its implementation, which is pushed by the strategy of trying in small-scale experiments then, promoting broadly, insists on the unit of principle and lfexibility, and the education cost is burdened by both the federal government and the local. The evaluation on the policy is leaded by the official according to the model of target-achievement. On the mechanism of the Russian education policy, there are issues of less participating of interest group, lower efifciency of implementation and incomplete evaluation, nevertheless, the Russian federal government are striving for its scientiifc, democratic and highly efifcient future.



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