首页> 中文期刊>草业科学 >豌豆蚜在6个不同抗性苜蓿品种上取食行为的EPG分析




The feeding behavior of Acyrthosiphon pisum on six alfalfa varieties with different resistances,and the resistance mechanisms of these different cultivars,were examined using the electrical penetration graph (EPG)technique.The results showed that there were eight EPG waveforms of aphids feeding on alfalfa leaves, but the durations of the eight waveforms were different between the six cultivars.The resistance of alfalfa was consistent with the duration of the E1 wave,which was produced by A.pisum feeding on the phloem of the al-falfa varieties.The duration of the E1 wave was significantly different between the six different resistances of the alfalfa cultivars;the duration of the E1 wave was longer when the resistance of the alfalfa was stronger. The duration of the E1 wave on the most resistant cultivar was 36.83 min for 'MF4020',and the duration of E1 wave on the least resistant cultivar was 1.50 min on 'Giant pastoral 37CR'.The resistance mechanisms of the different alfalfa cultivars to aphids are further illustrated by electrophysiology in research;it could provide the scientific basis for the breeding of alfalfa varieties with increased resistance to aphids.%应用刺探电位图谱(electrical penetration graph,EPG)技术研究了豌豆蚜(Acyrthosiphon pisum)在6个不同抗蚜苜蓿(Medicago sativa)品种上的取食行为及不同苜蓿品种的抗蚜机制.结果表明,豌豆蚜在刺吸取食不同抗性苜蓿品种的过程中,均产生8种波形,8种波形在6个苜蓿品种上持续的时间分别不同.与苜蓿品种抗性有关的是豌豆蚜在苜蓿品种韧皮部刺探取食过程中产生韧皮部分泌唾液波(El波)持续的时间,在6个不同抗蚜苜蓿品种上刺吸取食过程中产生E1波持续时间差异显著(P〈0.05),抗性越强的苜蓿品种,E1波持续时间越长,在抗性品种MF4020上持续时间最长,为36.8 min,在低抗性品种巨能牧歌37CR持续时间最短,为1.50 min.本研究从电生理方面进一步说明了不同苜蓿品种的抗蚜机制,从而为苜蓿品种抗蚜育种提供了科学依据.



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