首页> 中文期刊> 《油气地质与采收率》 >波拿巴盆地油气分布规律与成藏主控因素




澳大利亚波拿巴盆地天然气资源丰富,但对其成藏主控因素及勘探潜力认识不清.对盆地的石油地质条件和油气分布规律进行研究,以明确其油气成藏的主控因素及未来勘探方向.结果表明,波拿巴盆地油气在平面上呈不均衡分布,东部以大、中型气田为主,西部以中、小型油田为主;主力烃源岩的生烃母质类型、成熟度及保存条件控制了油气资源类型;西部构造遭受后期破坏、调整导致其油藏规模偏小,东部构造后期活动加剧造成其气藏规模较大;保存条件是武尔坎次盆的油气成藏主控因素;储层质量是卡德尔地堑的油气成藏主控因素;圈闭条件是盆地东部斜坡区的油气成藏主控因素.盆地内发育的中、小型构造圈闭,与断层相关的圈闭,岩性圈闭及与(膏)盐岩相关的圈闭均为未来勘探的有利目标,具有广阔的勘探前景.%Bonaparte basin is a gas prone basin in which Sinopec hold 3 blocks interests. It baffled blocks exploration and development efficiently of these existing blocks and the acquisition of new blocks that the main control factors of hydrocarbon accumulation and potential are no! so clear. The author points out the main control factors of hydrocarbon accumulation and the potential of Bonaparte basin through the research of petroleum geology and the hydrocarbon distribution. Hydrocarbon dose unequally distribute in this basin, the west part of basin is mainly small and medium oil fields but the east part of basin mainly contains giant gas fields. The kerogen type, maturity and preservation condition determined hydrocarbon type. In the west part of basin, the reactivation of faults leads to the lost of hydrocarbon and the scale of oil fields is small. But, in the east part of basin, the structure reinforced in late Miocene leads to the gas fields grow giant. Sub-basins in this basin have different main control factor of oil-gas accumulation. Preservation condition is the main control factor of oil-gas accumulation of Vulcan sub-basin, for the Calder Garben, the main control factor is the reservoir quality, and the trap is the main control factor of the east slope of the basin. Bonaparte basin still has good potential for exploration especially in medium and small structural traps, faults related traps, lithologic traps and salt related traps.



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