首页> 中文期刊>光电工程 >基于主磁场不均匀的分数域磁共振成像方法




现有核磁共振设备面对主磁场不均匀多是采取贴磁片等补偿磁场不均匀等硬件方法,但这给成像带来图像伪影,图像模糊等不良影响.针对磁共振成像中磁场不均匀的问题,提出了一种主磁场不均匀下的分数域磁共振成像方法.首先选择待成像活体组织的某一层,在该层上选择若干个点,测量该层面上的磁场强度大小,在磁共振成像原理的基础上,建立成像区域磁场强度分布模型,然后建立磁场的多项式模型,按照测量的磁场中是否存在明显的二阶分量可以将该多项式模型分为二阶多项式模型和高阶多项式模型;之后,将这两个模型分别代入磁共振的自由感应衰减(FID)信号中,对于二阶模型可以用分数阶傅里叶变换工具进行求解成像物体某一层上的自旋密度函数,对于高阶模型需要通过求解代数方程的方法得到成像物体某一层面上的自旋密度函数,这样便建立了主磁场任意不均匀下的磁共振信号模型.实验结果表明,该方法达到与均匀主磁场下近似同样的效果.%The existing NMR equipment is uneven to face the main magnetic field, mostly adopts the hardware me-thod of magnetic field compensation, such as magnetic field compensation, but it brings bad effects such as image artifact and blurred image. In view of the problem of magnetic field inhomogeneous in magnetic resonance imaging, a fractional domain magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) method under the main magnetic field inhomogeneous is proposed. First, select a layer of living tissue to be imaged, select several points on the layer and measure the in-tensity of the magnetic field on the layer. Based on the principle of magnetic resonance imaging, establish the model of the magnetic field intensity distribution in the imaging area, and then establish. The polynomial model of the magnetic field can be divided into the second-order polynomial model and the higher-order polynomial model ac-cording to whether there is a significant second-order component in the measured magnetic field. Then, the two models are respectively substituted into the free-induction decay (FID) signals of the magnetic resonance. For the second-order model, the fractional Fourier transform tool can be used to solve the spin density function on one layer of the imaged object. The order model needs to obtain the spin density function at a certain level of the imaging ob-ject by solving the algebraic equation, thus establishing the MR signal model with any non-uniform main magnetic field. Experimental results show that this method achieves the same effect as the uniform main magnetic field.



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