首页> 中文期刊>护理实践与研究 >障碍设置法在提高急诊低年资护士急救能力中的应用




目的:探讨障碍设置法在提高急诊低年资护士急救能力中的效果。方法:选取在我院急诊科任职的40例低年资护理人员作为研究对象,并随机等分为对照组和试验组,对照组采用常规教学;试验组采用障碍设置法对其急救能力进行教学。比较两组护士培训后相关知识掌握及急救能力情况。结果:试验组护理人员相关知识掌握评分均高于对照组(P <0.05),护理人员的急救能力均明显优于对照组(P <0.05)。结论:障碍设置法能提高急诊低年资护士急救能力,从而提高护理工作质量。%Objective:To discuss effects of obstacle setting in improving first - aid capability of junior emergency nurses. Methods:Selected 40 cases of junior nurses working in emergency department of our hospital and randomly divided them into control group and experimental group equally. Conventional teaching was adopted for control group,while obstacle setting method was adopted in first - aid capability teaching for experimental group nurses. Nurses between both groups were compared for mastery of associated knowledge and first - aid capability. Results:Experimental group nurses got higher scores in mastery of asso-ciated knowledge(P < 0. 05),and had better first - aid capability than control group patients(P < 0. 05). Conclusion:Obstacle setting can improve first -aid capability of junior emergency nurses,so as to increase their nursing quality.



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